John Frame’s response to Three Modes of Christian Formation May 31, 2016June 1, 2016Scott Redd I have had some back and forth over email with my friend and colleague John Frame about my previous post on three modes [...]
Three Modes of Christian Formation: Experience, Doctrine, and Liturgy May 24, 2016January 12, 2023Scott Redd 9 A year ago I attended a conference at Georgetown University in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Vatican II council. The conference, entitled [...]
Elder Cred: Requirements for Church Leadership May 16, 2016May 17, 2016Scott Redd 2 The Apostle Paul may be known for long stem-winding arguments, but he was never one to use words needlessly. So when he lays [...]
How to Teach Deuteronomy May 6, 2016May 6, 2016Scott Redd Nancy Guthrie does a service for the church with her podcast series entitled “Help Me Teach The Bible.” I got a chance to sit [...]
The Blueprint and the Building May 4, 2016May 4, 2016Scott Redd I have a new post over at The Gospel Coalition on the way in which the Old Testament Scriptures relate to the New. [...]
The Under-Shepherds May 3, 2016May 3, 2016Scott Redd What requirements does Scripture assign for those who aspire to a position of leadership in the church? Here is a recording of a short class [...]