The Church and Human Liberty in Society June 30, 2014February 17, 2016Scott Redd Lutheran theologian and ethicist Gilbert Meilaender probably perforates the Christian life between sacred and profane in a way that would be discomfit me and [...]
Hart: Straw Men and the New Atheist June 26, 2014Scott Redd I always enjoy reading David Bentley Hart even (especially?) when I disagree with him. Right now I am working through The Experience of God: [...]
Shema (Deut 6:4-9) Part Four: Spiritual Growth is Measured in Lifetimes June 25, 2014Scott Redd 4 This is part four of a series on the “Shema” (Deut 6:4-9). Part one of this series covered the notion of biblical simplicity and [...]
Shema (Deut 6:4-9) Part Three: When Jesus Prayed for Love June 16, 2014October 30, 2018Scott Redd This is part three of a series on the “Shema” (Deut 6:4-9). I have been thinking a lot about the Shema over the past [...]
Happy Father’s Day June 15, 2014Scott Redd The two primary metaphors for covenant in the Bible are fatherhood and marriage. I am thankful for my father who models these so [...]
For the World June 10, 2014Scott Redd I am excited about this new volume, entitled “For the World,” which is a collection of articles in honor of my teacher and [...]
RTS Washington 2014 Commencement: Presidential Charge June 6, 2014Scott Redd The text of my charge was posted on the RTS Washington site, but I have also reprinted it here. The Apostle Paul speaks [...]
Shema Part Two: What is your “heart, soul, and strength”? June 3, 2014Scott Redd 1 Quilled Human Heart, Sarah Yakawonis YakawonisQuilling This is part two of a series on the “Shema” (Deut 6:4-9). Part one of this series covered [...]