Tough Texts! November 28, 2023November 28, 2023Scott Redd Over at the RTS Washington Faculty podcast, we are going through tough texts (and topics) in the Bible. I have loved learning from [...]
Imitating, Walking, and Giving Thanks November 17, 2023November 17, 2023Scott Redd The Apostle Paul encourages us to imitate God by walking in love for the sake of Jesus Christ. What is the foremost expression [...]
The Lord, My Lord November 13, 2023November 17, 2023Scott Redd 2 I was up at Central Church in Manhattan recently and preached from the most quoted psalm in the New Testament, Psalm 110. The [...]
Reading the Psalter January 5, 2023January 5, 2023Scott Redd I got a chance to talk about the psalms in general and Psalm 1 in particular with my friend Jim Thomas of The [...]
Three Phases of Spiritual Formation January 5, 2023January 5, 2023Scott Redd I wrote this piece a few years ago and it still comes up from time to time. One of those times came last [...]
The King of God’s Kingdom November 8, 2021November 8, 2021Scott Redd From a piece entitled, “The King of God’s Kingdom,” I wrote for the November issue of Tabletalk magazine: In the ancient world, the [...]
The Defamiliar and the Study of Theology August 16, 2021August 18, 2021Scott Redd We have been doing a short series at the RTS Faculty Podcast called “Summer ShoRTS.” Three of the episodes are based on my [...]
Time and Chance Happen to Them All May 4, 2021May 4, 2021Scott Redd Dr. Paul Jeon and I work through Ecclesiastes for our Women’s Bible Study. One of my favorite books in the Bible to study, [...]
Herman Bavinck, Epistemology, and Ministry in the City November 11, 2020November 11, 2020Scott Redd During a joint open house for RTS Washington and RTS New York, we hosted a conversation between Dr. Tim Keller and Dr. Gray [...]
Sitting and Running the Risks: Voting as Christian Stewardship November 11, 2020Scott Redd I wrote a guide to voting and discernment for First Things that ran before the 2016 election. Apparently, in what has become a [...]