Citizens of the Better Kingdom May 23, 2021Scott Redd This from a piece I wrote for Tabletalk magazine about Daniel 5: One of the most memorable events from the book of Daniel—a [...]
Prayer of Lament and Repentance June 4, 2020June 4, 2020Scott Redd Last Sunday morning, I found myself going back to the prophets for prayers of lament. I posted a compilation of a few on [...]
Solidarity and Union in Christian Persecution May 18, 2018May 25, 2018Scott Redd I was privileged to participate in a conference on the persecuted church hosted by the Institute on Religion & Democracy at the Dirksen [...]
Jesus, the Shema, and the Glorious Trinity November 30, 2017November 30, 2017Scott Redd 2 I have a piece over at Tabletalk about the prayer of Jesus in John 17, often called the High Priestly Prayer due to its [...]
Divine Presence and Human Response September 11, 2017September 14, 2017Scott Redd 1 Over at the newly renovated Tabletalk site, I have a post on John 6:60-69 and the ways in which people respond to the [...]
False Faith and False Confidence July 30, 2016August 24, 2016Scott Redd 1 Is it possible to honor the idea of God, even Jesus himself, without actually honoring what he says about himself in the Scriptures? [...]
Ashley Madison, Public Shaming, and the Light of Christ September 1, 2015Scott Redd 1 I preached from 1 John 1:5-10 this past Sunday, a text that has a lot to say about the implications of “walking in [...]
A Community of Joyful Exiles and Penitent Strangers July 16, 2015Scott Redd I have a post over at the Christward Collective about the dynamics of exile for the people of God living in a culture [...]
Public Expressions of the Gospel June 23, 2015February 17, 2016Scott Redd Explicit public expressions of the gospel in popular culture are few and far between. We just do not see many public examples of the [...]
Resisting a Spirit of Lethargy February 12, 2015Scott Redd There is a story about the basketball coach who meets his star player off the court after a particularly poor game. “Son, are you ignorant or [...]